Geriatric Psychiatric Care
Rhonda Pettitt specializes in Geriatric Psychiatric Care. Older adults, and their caregivers, face unique challenges especially when it comes to moving to a facility, loosing a spouse, changes in ability, and more. You don’t need to navigate these challenges alone. Rhonda is here to help integrate medication and other tools to keep folks at home longer or live a happier life. Rhonda is one of the only providers in the state with dual training in both psychiatric care and geriatric care. She is able to look at the whole picture of a patient’s needs, including medication and diagnosis, to form a psychiatric care plan that best fits a patient’s needs.
Do any of these challenges apply to you or your loved one?
Feeling emotions after moving to a nursing home or assisted living
Schedule an appointment with Rhonda today to start the process of improving quality of life!